Average Weekly Weight (AWW)

Top level metric to detect changes, diagnose problems, and evaluate progress.

As discussed in the "Mechanics" section your AWW is the key metric Leanrr uses to track your progress. This simple to track number can help you, your coach, and optionally a friend to:

  • evaluate how close to 100% fat loss you're achieving,

  • detect weight trends and diagnose problems,

  • calibrate your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE),

  • evaluate if you're eating the right amount in maintenance mode.

Manual Tracking

If you only have a digital scale you'll have to manually track weight every morning in the app. That's done by weighing in every morning and typing your weight in in the Dashboard screen.

Automatic Tracking

If you have a Bluetooth or WIFI scale you can set Leanrr up to automatically sync your weight and body fat percentage. The steps to get it setup:

Connect Leanrr To Scale
  1. Install Fitbit app, even if you don't have a Fitbit.

  2. Use your scale's app to connect to Fitbit. If you're not sure how simply Google "connect Etekcity scale to fitbit" where you swap in your scale name for Etekcity.

  3. Click "Allow All" and "Next".

  4. It'll take 1 to 5 minutes for your data to sync depending on how much history there is.

Once you'll be able to see your average weekly weight in this screen in the dashboard from then on:


There are some things out of Leanrr's control unfortunately for how data syncs. Make sure to read applicable sections carefully.

WIFI Scales

The benefit of WIFI scales is you don't need your phone when you weigh in. The downside is in order for the data to sync you need to at some point open your scale app and sync your weight. I know that kind of defeats the point.

Bluetooth & WIFI Scale

For Fitbit to pull the weight data in from the scale you'll also need to sync the Fitbit app. Fitbit does this to preserve its battery and it's also something Leanrr has no control over.

Calendar Week Average

  • A calendar week average starts with the Monday morning weigh in and ends with the Sunday morning weigh in.

    • Notice technically that means the calendar week average factors in the work you do starting Sunday morning and ending Saturday night.

  • Example:

    • Yesterday morning when I weighed in my average for the week came out to be 175.7 lbs. It was Sunday which means the calendar week was over and my average was locked in.

    • This week I only have one weigh in so far on Monday: 174.4 lbs.

    • 175.7 lbs - 174.4 lbs = -1.3 lbs change from last calendar week so far.

    • As I weigh in this week my delta will change either up or down until it locks in Sunday.

  • By clicking on the 3 dots next to the title you can see AWW history:

Last 7 Day Average

It's also useful to compare the last 7 day average with the previous 7 day average as it's a more realtime measure. The calendar week average in this screenshot is based on last week versus just Monday's measurement. This could change a lot as the week goes on. Because we operate on a week by week basis it can be motivational to look at this measure.

The last 7 day average is based on a whole week and is not very sensitive to new data points. As you can see this 7 day vs last 7 day average is only a -0.9 lbs change. This is a more realistic measure of the pace I'm going at. When I weigh in tomorrow it won't change much as again it will be 7 data points compared to 7 more.

Last updated